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Wednesday 13 September 2023

In a Conundrum: Apple’s switch to Type-C port for iPhone 15 series will generate a lot of e-waste

Although Apple finally moving to the USB-C port is actually a good thing, this move is set to generate a lot of e-waste, not because of Apple, but because people don’t know how to dispose of chargers and charging cables.

It’s quite concerning to note that a significant 75 per cent of people in the US do not dispose of their chargers properly. Furthermore, a notable 55 per cent of people tend to discard their chargers as a general waste stream, which can exacerbate electronic waste concerns and hinder recycling efforts.

The scale of this problem becomes even more evident when we consider the staggering annual figure of 54,000 metric tons of chargers being discarded. This substantial volume not only contributes to the growing issue of electronic waste but also underscores the pressing need for increased awareness and responsible disposal practices within our communities.

All this data comes to use courtesy of a recent survey conducted by Decluttr. The survey shed light on a concerning trend in the improper disposal of tech waste, coinciding with the highly anticipated launch of the iPhone 15, and iPhones moving over to USB-C chargers. This shift in charger technology aligns with new regulations mandating that all mobile phones sold in the EU must feature a USB-C charging port by the conclusion of 2024, a change aimed at for the betterment of both the environment and consumers, in the long run.

However, in the immediate present, a pressing question arises: Do people know how to correctly dispose of their outdated charging cables?

In an effort to address this concern, Decluttr undertook a comprehensive survey involving 2,400 individuals across the United States. The primary objective of this survey was to gain insights into the prevailing practices concerning the disposal of old phone chargers, and the findings have unveiled a disconcerting lack of awareness among respondents.

The survey results provide a sobering glimpse into the way people handle the disposal of their chargers. A concerning 55 per cent of respondents admitted to discarding their chargers in the general waste stream, a practice that poses significant environmental risks. It’s worth noting that iPhone chargers contain materials such as zinc, copper, and plastic, which, if not disposed of correctly, can leach into the environment, potentially polluting soil and water sources and posing health hazards to both wildlife and humans.

The data underscores a prevalent issue, with a staggering 75 per cent of participants failing to dispose of their chargers in an environmentally responsible manner. Furthermore, 25 per cent indicated that they drop off their chargers at recycling centres, a positive but still relatively low figure. Interestingly, 17 per cent selected the “Other” category, with the majority of comments revealing that they simply leave their chargers unused in a drawer.
Regrettably, only a mere 3 per cent of respondents seek guidance from their local authorities on charger disposal. In the face of these statistics, it becomes evident that e-waste is a pressing concern that often escapes our collective notice.

The United Nations reports a disturbing trend – e-waste is the fastest-growing waste stream globally, projected to increase by a staggering 21 per cent between 2019 and 2030.

To put things into perspective, a staggering 54,000 metric tons of chargers are discarded annually worldwide. To put this in perspective, the charging cables produced in a single year would wrap around the Earth approximately 1.3 times when laid end-to-end.

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