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Wednesday 19 July 2023

Meta opens up LLaMA AI model to the public, will be a massive challenge for OpenAI, Google

Meta, the owner of Facebook, has unveiled a new version of its artificial intelligence model, which is now available for free to the general public.

This development can be seen as a competitive move against OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, and Google, both of which have developed powerful large language models that serve as the basis for their chatbots, such as ChatGPT and Bard. These chatbots have garnered attention due to their ability to emulate human creativity and expertise.

A different approach to AI
In contrast, Meta has taken a different approach by refraining from directly releasing generative AI products to the general public. Instead, they focused on developing LLaMA, a language model specifically designed for researchers to facilitate its improvement and refinement.

A significant distinction of Llama, developed by Meta, is that it is an open-source model, meaning that its internal workings are accessible to everyone for modification and tinkering. This sets it apart from the closed and proprietary models created by OpenAI and Google, which do not grant clients access to the underlying code or comprehensive explanations regarding data handling.

According to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, opensource softwares encourage innovation by enabling a larger community of developers to utilize new technology. He also emphasized that openness improves safety and security, as more people can scrutinize the software for potential issues and contribute to their resolution.

Safety and accuracy given more priority
This emphasis on safety reflects a departure from OpenAI’s models, which have raised concerns due to instances of generating false information or engaging in problematic interactions.

The latest iteration of Meta’s model, called Llama 2, is more powerful and can be downloaded by any business or accessed through Microsoft’s Azure cloud service, as part of a collaboration with Microsoft. This partnership demonstrates Microsoft’s intent to diversify its AI offerings, providing businesses with greater control over their data and software.

Microsoft is involved in OpenAI and Meta’s AI
Microsoft’s involvement with both OpenAI and Meta suggests their efforts to expand their AI portfolio and respond to market demand. Notably, Microsoft’s share price experienced a significant increase following its announcement of an AI-enhanced version of Microsoft 365, its office platform, which would be priced at $30 per user, per month.

This could represent a substantial cost escalation for businesses. If organisations perceive AI as an essential investment in their operations, this pricing strategy has the potential to result in a considerable revenue boost for Microsoft.

As AI technology continues to advance and prove its value across various industries, businesses are increasingly recognising its potential benefits. If companies view AI as a necessary expense for staying competitive and driving efficiency, they may be more inclined to accept the higher cost associated with AI-enhanced services.

Microsoft’s decision to introduce an AI-enhanced version of Microsoft 365 at an increased price suggests their confidence in the demand for AI-powered solutions among their customer base. It also indicates that Microsoft sees potential for significant revenue growth by offering AI capabilities that cater to the evolving needs of businesses.

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