XGIMI has launched two new projectors under its Horizon series, the Horizon and the Horizon PRO in India. Both the projectors come with the automatic keystone correction technology, autofocus, and MEMC as their highlights. XGIMI Horizon is a Full HD projector that is touted to come with immersive, industry-leading picture quality. The image size varies from 30 to 300 inches. The 2200 ANSI Lumens screen supports Intelligent Screen Adaptation of 40° Auto Keystone Correction.
It also comes with Hi-Fi sound support from Harman Kardon. There are two 8 W speakers for this. The projector also comes with an in-built AI optical sensor. It has a lamp life of 25,000 hours and supports Android TV 10.0 with Google Assistant. It weighs 2.9 kgs.
The XGIMI Horizon is priced at Rs 1,25,000.
Speaking about the Horizon series, Sushil Motwani, XGIMI Head, India, said, “Home entertainment is no longer a luxury segment but an essential one in these times. For those missing out on larger-than-life cinematic experiences right now, the XGIMI's Horizon Series projectors are the perfect answer. They are extremely adaptable to different spaces, lifestyle, and usage habits. They are handy, energy-efficient and easy to operate, and extremely portable that they can even travel with you. These products are not meant to be lifestyle statements but to serve a way of life”.
The Horizon Pro comes with 4K video support and has an image size of 30 and 300 inches. The display is 2200 ANSI Lumens. Audio-wise, it comes with 28 W Harman Kardon speakers, DTS-HD & DTS Studio Sound Dolby. It also gets an expected operating time of 25,000 hours and weighs the same as the Horizon.
The projector supports Android TV 10.0, Google Assistant, and an Intelligent Screen Adaptation with ±40 Degrees Auto Keystone Correction.
The XHIMI Horizon Pro is priced at Rs 1,87,500.
Both projectors are now available to buy via the company's website.
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